IBA Parkstad heeft de hele regio Parkstad ondergebracht in één grote analyse. Daarbij is de geschiedenis van alles wat gebouwd is in de verschillende gemeenten uitvoerig bestudeerd: we zien op foto’s en landkaarten hoe Parkstad is ontstaan, en IBA-curator Jo Coenen geeft met behulp van zijn staf ook aan wat er in de verschillende delen van Parkstad zou moeten veranderen. Dat loopt uiteen van het beleefbaar maken van het Land van Kalk tot beschermen en versterken van de mijnkolonieën in Landgraaf, het vergroenen van de leefomgeving in samenwerking met bewoners en het versterken van het centrum van Heerlen, het centrum van Parkstad.
The dramatic loss of biodiversity in recent decades is one of the biggest challenges for the survival of humanity. This process happens against the background of the recently declared new geological epoch of the Anthropocene, which expresses that human influence has now reached every square centimeter of the earth´s surface and every cubic centimeter of its atmosphere. This means that reliance on any nature outside of us humans which may sustain us is obsolete. Instead, we are deeply entangled with all other living and non-living beings and we need to actively design these entanglements for higher biodiversity in order to survive.
Contemporary biodiversity research and practice focus mainly on city scale or rural scale. This should be complemented now by the intermediate scale of the regiopolis, which has a high potential for increasing biodiversity. IBA Parkstad offers the chance to contribute to research and practice for increasing biodiversity on a regional scale. The mini-conference presents inspiring theory on biodiversity and design (Martin Prominski), nature-based design principles (Maike van Stiphout) and local examples expressing the specific Parkstad-entanglements between human and non-humans (Martijn Blaas).
15:30 – 15:55 | Designing for higher biodiversity in the Regiopolis – An introduction by Martin Prominski |
15:55 – 16:20 | Moving towards higher biodiversity in Parkstad Limburg – A Video by Martijn Blaas |
16:20 – 17:30 | Workshop “How to see Parkstad through the eyes of a deer” – By Maike van Stiphout |